Framework for Confidence

Shelley Carney
4 min readMay 22, 2021

Watch the YouTube video here.

Confidence When You Need It

Have you ever watched a motivational speaker on stage, an actor in a play, or a presenter you admire command the attention of an audience and thought, “I wish I had that level of confidence”? What is your confidence level? Do you wish it was greater? Are you willing to do the work to make that happen?

I believe the confidence to grow to a new level in your life is not only attainable, but it lies just one step outside your current zone of routine and comfort.

Confidence is a topic that is frequently covered throughout the personal development journey. I think that’s because every time we grow to a new level; we have built up confidence in what we have accomplished, but we need more confidence to achieve the next level.

One of the things that I do to boost my confidence level is to continue to seek out coaching from those who are at the level I want to attain. Whether that’s in career, relationships, health and fitness, or spirituality, I surround myself with positive, helpful people who can lift me up.

That’s why I invest in business coaches and personal development coaches. It keeps me motivated, inspired, and ready to take action.

What I’ve personally put together from this coaching and my own life experience is this Framework for Confidence.

Confidence cycles through stages again and again as we level up in the different areas of our lives.

Purpose is the beginning of confidence. When we truly understand the deep underlying reasons why we need to reach a goal, follow a path, perfect a skill or complete a bucket list, then we will be able to go the distance to get it done. Purpose encompasses our values, priorities and passion. Our purpose for each goal can be different and will likely change with the seasons of our lives, so it is important to revisit our purpose when we choose a new goal. Once we know our purpose, it drives us to the next step.

Planning brings us confidence because we have taken the time to look at all the ways we can move forward no matter what. We think about possible obstacles and how we will handle them if they arise. We make a plan, break it into steps, schedule those steps, talk about it, and imagine the outcome. Just thinking through a plan like this brings it into the realm of possibility. Add a strong belief to those thoughts and it is as good as done. Which motivates us into taking action.

It is said that action is the antidote to despair and the fundamental key to success.

The best way to conquer fear, anxiety, worry and the feeling of being stuck is to take action. When we take the next right step toward a goal, it shakes everything up so that new opportunities can appear that we might otherwise have missed. When we make the decision to do something and then follow through, we engage with the foundational laws of the universe, including the law of attraction. If you don’t know exactly what action to take next, then the best right action is to breathe deeply. This will disengage your mind from your emotions and allow you to relax. Then your thinking brain can get to work and ideas will begin to flow. So breathe deeply, then take action.

There’s a reason the word “attraction” contains “action!”

The last piece of the confidence framework is resilience. The ability to bounce back from adversity and try again is determination in action. As much as we may not like it, we build up our resilience when we make mistakes, fail to achieve a desired outcome, and get surprised by unforeseen circumstances. But instead of giving up, we try something different. We come at the problem from a new direction and keep on taking action until we get past that wall of resistance. When we become flexible and open to possibilities, our resilience and our confidence will grow.

So if you desire more confidence, simply follow the framework for every goal or desire in your life and the more you practice, the more you grow.

Having confidence starts with knowing your purpose, making a plan, taking action and being resilient and determined when things become difficult.

“As is our confidence, so is our capacity.”

Start building your confidence today. Decide upon a goal or a skill you want to achieve. Then make a plan and take action.

Originally published at



Shelley Carney

Podcasting and Livestreaming Coach/Consultant & Personal Development Life Coach